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Mots-clés » tags
09-12-2008, 22:51, (Modification du message : 09-12-2008, 22:53 par Lolii.)
RE: tags
Je pense que c'est ce fichier la

Code :
* bbc_box_tags.php
* ----------------
* begin    : Tuesday, June 07, 2005
* copyright    : reddog - http://www.reddevboard.com/
* version    : 0.0.11 - 11/10/2005

*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*   (at your option) any later version.

if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
    die("Hacking attempt");

// bbc box language file
if ( $userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS )
    if ( !empty($userdata['user_lang']))
        $board_config['default_lang'] = $userdata['user_lang'];
if ( !file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_bbc_box.'.$phpEx)) )
    $board_config['default_lang'] = 'english';
include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_bbc_box.'.$phpEx);

// Main process
if ($board_config['bbc_box_on'])
    // send to template
    $template->assign_block_vars('bbc', array());

    // separator
    $bbc_style_path = $board_config['bbc_style_path'];
    $bbc_box_img = "templates/bbc_box/styles/" . $bbc_style_path;
    $separator = ( file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($phpbb_root_path . $bbc_box_img . '/separator.gif')) ) ? '&nbsp;<img alt="" src="' . $bbc_box_img . '/separator.gif" />' : '&nbsp;&nbsp;';

    // Default BBcode tags

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Do not alter these lines!
    $bbc_tags_def = array(
        'bold' => array('before' => '[b]', 'after' => '[/b]', 'helpline' => 'bold', 'bbstyle' => '0', 'img' => 'bold', 'divider' => '0'),
        'italic' => array('before' => '[i]', 'after' => '[/i]', 'helpline' => 'italic', 'bbstyle' => '2', 'img' => 'italic', 'divider' => '0'),
        'underline' => array('before' => '[u]', 'after' => '[/u]', 'helpline' => 'underline', 'bbstyle' => '4', 'img' => 'underline', 'divider' => '1'),
        'quote' => array('before' => '[quote]', 'after' => '[/quote]', 'helpline' => 'quote', 'bbstyle' => '6', 'img' => 'quote', 'divider' => '0'),
        'code' => array('before' => '[code]', 'after' => '
', 'helpline' => 'code', 'bbstyle' => '8', 'img' => 'code', 'divider' => '1'),
'ulist' => array('before' => '
  • ', 'after' => '
', 'helpline' => 'ulist', 'bbstyle' => '10', 'img' => 'ulist', 'divider' => '0'),
'olist' => array('before' => '[list=]', 'after' => '[/list]', 'helpline' => 'olist', 'bbstyle' => '12', 'img' => 'olist', 'divider' => '1'),
'picture' => array('before' => '[img]', 'after' => '[/img]', 'helpline' => 'picture', 'bbstyle' => '14', 'img' => 'picture', 'divider' => '0'),
'www' => array('before' => 'http://', 'after' => '', 'helpline' => 'www', 'bbstyle' => '16', 'img' => 'www', 'divider' => '0'),

$count_tags = count($bbc_tags_def);
$count = 0;
foreach ( $bbc_tags_def as $bbc_tag_def => $bbc_tag_data )
$template->assign_block_vars('bbc.def', array(
'BEFORE' => $bbc_tag_data['before'],
'AFTER' => $bbc_tag_data['after'],
'SEP' => ($count == $count_tags) ? '' : ',',
'HELPLINE' => $bbc_tag_data['helpline'],
'LANG_HELP' => $lang['bbcbxr_help'][$bbc_tag_data['helpline']],
'BBSTYLE' => $bbc_tag_data['bbstyle'],
'IMG' => $images[$bbc_tag_data['img']],
'BBC_BG_IMG' => $images['bbc_bg'],
'DIVIDER' => ($bbc_tag_data['divider']) ? $separator : '',
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

// BBcode box tags

// new bbcode tags added
$bbc_config = $bbc_tagsrow_box = array();
@include($phpbb_root_path . './includes/def_bbc_box.'.$phpEx);
if ( empty($bbc_config) )
@include($phpbb_root_path . './includes/def_bbc_box.'.$phpEx);
foreach ( $bbc_config as $key => $value )
$bbc_sort = bbc_auth($value['bbc_auth']);
if (!empty($value['bbc_value']) && $bbc_sort)
$bbc_tagsrow_box[] = array(
'value' => $value['bbc_value'],
'auth' => $value['bbc_auth'],
'before' => $value['bbc_before'],
'after' => $value['bbc_after'],
'helpline' => $value['bbc_helpline'],
'img' => $value['bbc_img'],
'divider' => $value['bbc_divider'],

// get the number of buttons per row from config
$bbc_per_row = isset($board_config['bbc_per_row']) ? intval($board_config['bbc_per_row']) : 14;
if ($bbc_per_row <= 1)
$bbc_per_row = 14;

// let's go!
$bbc_tags_box_count = count($bbc_tagsrow_box);
$nb_row = intval( ($bbc_tags_box_count-1) / $bbc_per_row )+1;
$offset = 0;
$addbbcode = 0;
for($j = 0; $j < $nb_row; $j++)
if (!empty($bbc_tagsrow_box[$nb_row]['value']))
for ($k = 0; ( ($k < $bbc_per_row) && ($offset < $bbc_tags_box_count) ); $k++)
$bbc_sort_box = bbc_auth($bbc_tagsrow_box[$offset]['auth']);
if (!empty($bbc_tagsrow_box[$nb_row]['value']) && $bbc_sort_box)
$val = ($addbbcode*2)+18;
$template->assign_block_vars('bbc.row.box', array(
'BEFORE' => '[' . $bbc_tagsrow_box[$offset]['before'] . ']',
'AFTER' => '[/' . $bbc_tagsrow_box[$offset]['after'] . ']',
'HELPLINE' => $bbc_tagsrow_box[$offset]['helpline'],
'LANG_HELP' => sprintf( (isset($lang['bbcbxr_help'][$bbc_tagsrow_box[$offset]['helpline']]) ? $lang['bbcbxr_help'][$bbc_tagsrow_box[$offset]['helpline']] : $lang['bbcbxr_help_none'] ), $bbc_tagsrow_box[$offset]['before'], $bbc_tagsrow_box[$offset]['after']),
'BBSTYLE' => $val,
'IMG' => $images[$bbc_tagsrow_box[$offset]['img']],
'BBC_BG_IMG' => $images['bbc_bg'],
'DIVIDER' => ($bbc_tagsrow_box[$offset]['divider']) ? $separator : '',

// font types combobox
$font_types_list = array($lang['type_arial'], $lang['type_comicsansms'], $lang['type_couriernew'], $lang['type_georgia'], $lang['type_lucidaconsole'], $lang['type_microsoft'], $lang['type_tahoma'], $lang['type_timesnewroman'], $lang['type_trebuchet']);
$font_types_count = count($font_types_list);

$select_font_types = '<select name="addbbcodefonttype" onchange="bbfontstyle(\'[font=\' + this.form.addbbcodefonttype.options[this.form.addbbcodefonttype.selectedIndex].value + \']\', \'[/font]\');this.form.addbbcodefonttype.selectedIndex = 0;" onmouseover="helpline(\'t\')">';
$select_font_types .= '<option value="' . $lang['type_verdana'] . '" class="genmed" selected="selected">' . $lang['Type_default'] . '</option>';
for($i = 0; $i < count($font_types_list); $i++)
$select_font_types .= '<option value="' . $font_types_list[$i] . '" style="font-family:' . $font_types_list[$i] . '">' . $font_types_list[$i] . '</option>';
$select_font_types .= '</select>';
// send to template
$template->assign_block_vars('bbc_else', array());

$bbc_tags_def = array(
'bold' => array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'accesskey' => 'b', 'value' => ' B ', 'style' => 'font-weight:bold;width:30px', 'helpline' => 'b', 'bbstyle' => '0'),
'italic' => array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'accesskey' => 'i', 'value' => ' i ', 'style' => 'font-style:italic;width:30px', 'helpline' => 'i', 'bbstyle' => '2'),
'underline' => array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'accesskey' => 'u', 'value' => ' u ', 'style' => 'text-decoration:underline;width:30px', 'helpline' => 'u', 'bbstyle' => '4'),
'quote' => array('before' => '
Citation :', 'after' => '
', 'accesskey' => 'q', 'value' => 'Quote', 'style' => 'width:50px', 'helpline' => 'q', 'bbstyle' => '6'),
'code' => array('before' => '
Code :
', 'after' => '
', 'accesskey' => 'c', 'value' => 'Code', 'style' => 'width:40px', 'helpline' => 'c', 'bbstyle' => '8'),
'ulist' => array('before' => '
  • ', 'after' => '
', 'accesskey' => 'l', 'value' => 'List', 'style' => 'width:40px', 'helpline' => 'ulist', 'bbstyle' => '10'),
'olist' => array('before' => '[list=]', 'after' => '[/list]', 'accesskey' => 'o', 'value' => 'List=', 'style' => 'width:40px', 'helpline' => 'olist', 'bbstyle' => '12'),
'picture' => array('before' => '[img]', 'after' => '[/img]', 'accesskey' => 'p', 'value' => 'Img', 'style' => 'width:40px', 'helpline' => 'p', 'bbstyle' => '14'),
'www' => array('before' => 'http://', 'after' => '', 'accesskey' => 'w', 'value' => 'URL', 'style' => 'text-decoration:underline;width:40px', 'helpline' => 'w', 'bbstyle' => '16'),

$count_tags = count($bbc_tags_def);
$count = 0;
foreach ( $bbc_tags_def as $bbc_tag_def => $bbc_tag_data )
$template->assign_block_vars('bbc_else.def_else', array(
'BEFORE' => $bbc_tag_data['before'],
'AFTER' => $bbc_tag_data['after'],
'SEP' => ($count == $count_tags) ? '' : ',',
'ACCESSKEY' => $bbc_tag_data['accesskey'],
'VALUE' => $bbc_tag_data['value'],
'STYLE' => $bbc_tag_data['style'],
'HELPLINE' => $bbc_tag_data['helpline'],
'BBSTYLE' => $bbc_tag_data['bbstyle'],

// Default process

// font size combobox
$size_types_text = array($lang['font_tiny'], $lang['font_small'], $lang['font_normal'], $lang['font_large'], $lang['font_huge']);
$size_types = array('7', '9', '12', '18', '24');

$select_font_size = '<select name="addbbcodefontsize" onchange="bbfontstyle(\'[size=\' + this.form.addbbcodefontsize.options[this.form.addbbcodefontsize.selectedIndex].value + \']\', \'[/size]\');this.form.addbbcodefontsize.selectedIndex = 2;" onmouseover="helpline(\'f\')">';
for($i = 0; $i < count($size_types_text); $i++)
$selected = ( $i == 2 ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$select_font_size .= '<option value="' . $size_types[$i] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $size_types_text[$i] . '</option>';
$select_font_size .= '</select>';

// font color combobox
$font_types_text = array($lang['color_default'], $lang['color_dark_red'], $lang['color_red'], $lang['color_orange'], $lang['color_brown'], $lang['color_yellow'], $lang['color_green'], $lang['color_olive'], $lang['color_cyan'], $lang['color_blue'], $lang['color_dark_blue'], $lang['color_indigo'], $lang['color_violet'], $lang['color_white'], $lang['color_black']);
$font_types = array($theme['fontcolor1'], 'darkred', 'red', 'orange', 'brown', 'yellow', 'green', 'olive', 'cyan', 'blue', 'darkblue', 'indigo', 'violet', 'white', 'black');

$select_font_color = '<select name="addbbcodefontcolor" onchange="bbfontstyle(\'[color=\' + this.form.addbbcodefontcolor.options[this.form.addbbcodefontcolor.selectedIndex].value + \']\', \'[/color]\');this.form.addbbcodefontcolor.selectedIndex = 0;" onmouseover="helpline(\'s\')">';
for($i = 0; $i < count($font_types_text); $i++)
$selected = ( $i == 0 ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$select_font_color .= '<option style="color:' . $font_types[$i] . '" value="' . $font_types[$i] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $font_types_text[$i] . '</option>';
$select_font_color .= '</select>';

// background color combobox replacements
$patterns = array('/addbbcodefontcolor/', '/\[color/', '/color\]/', '/\'s/');
$replacements = array('addbbcodebackcolor', '[bcolor', 'bcolor]', '\'bs');
$select_back_color = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $select_font_color);

// constants
// img
'BBC_HOVERBG_IMG' => $images['bbc_hoverbg'],
'BBC_BG_IMG' => $images['bbc_bg'],
// main
'L_BBCODE_B_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_b_help'],
'L_BBCODE_I_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_i_help'],
'L_BBCODE_U_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_u_help'],
'L_BBCODE_Q_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_q_help'],
'L_BBCODE_C_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_c_help'],
'L_BBCODE_L_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_l_help'],
'L_BBCODE_O_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_o_help'],
'L_BBCODE_P_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_p_help'],
'L_BBCODE_W_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_w_help'],
'L_BBCODE_A_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_a_help'],
'L_BBCODE_S_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_s_help'],
'L_BBCODE_F_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_f_help'],
'L_BBCBXR_E_HELP' => $lang['bbcbxr_e_help'],
'L_BBCBXR_T_HELP' => $lang['bbcbxr_t_help'],
'L_BBCBXR_BS_HELP' => $lang['bbcbxr_bs_help'],

'L_FONT_SIZE' => $lang['Font_size'],
'L_FONT_TYPE' => $lang['Font_type'],
'L_FONT_COLOR' => $lang['Font_color'],
'L_CLOSE_TAGS' => $lang['Close_Tags'],
'L_STYLES_TIP' => $lang['Styles_tip'],
'L_TYPE_DEFAULT' => $lang['Type_default'],
'L_EMPTY_MESSAGE' => $lang['Empty_message'],

// tools bar
'I_SWITCHCOLOR' => $images['switchcolor'],
'I_H_RULE' => $images['horizontal_rule'],
'I_CHARMAP' => $images['charmap'],
'I_CLEANUP' => $images['cleanup'],
'L_BBCBXR_SWC_HELP' => $lang['bbcbxr_swc_help'],
'L_BBCBXR_HR_HELP' => $lang['bbcbxr_hr_help'],
'L_BBCBXR_CHR_HELP' => $lang['bbcbxr_chr_help'],
'U_CHARMAP' => append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=charmap"),

'S_STYLE_PATH' => $board_config['bbc_style_path'],
'S_BBC_BOX_ON' => $board_config['bbc_box_on'],

// select
'S_FONT_SIZE_TYPES' => $select_font_size,
'S_FONT_TYPES_LIST' => $select_font_types,
'S_FONT_COLOR_TYPES' => $select_font_color,
'S_BACK_COLOR_TYPES' => $select_back_color,

// send the display
'bbc_js_box' => 'bbc_js_box.tpl',
'bbc_display_box' => 'bbc_display_box.tpl',

$template->assign_var_from_handle('BBC_JS_BOX', 'bbc_js_box');
$template->assign_var_from_handle('BBC_DISPLAY_BOX', 'bbc_display_box');


Messages dans ce sujet
tags - Lolii - 08-12-2008, 11:29
RE: tags - AimeSiKey - 08-12-2008, 21:01
RE: tags - Lolii - 09-12-2008, 22:51
RE: tags - Lolii - 13-12-2008, 17:19

Utilisateur(s) parcourant ce sujet : 1 visiteur(s)

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