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[Plugin] [English] Abbreviations
Mots-clés » plugin, english, abbreviations
02-03-2011, 4:56,
[Plugin] [English] Abbreviations
Plugin name: Abbreviations
Plugin Author: Edson Ordaz
Plugin Website: http://www.mybb-es.com
Plugin version: 1.0
MyBB Plugin Compatibility: 1.6x
Plugin File Edits: None
Plugin File Uploads: 2

Abbreviations is a plugin that creates a table in the administration panel and cras abbreviations and put the ends of each!

When you save the information as stored in the DB and messages if a user enters any abbreviation to move the mouse over it will leave a type alt or title to the termination of this!

You can put unlimited abbreviations!

[Image: 25549-1293220984-1.PNG]

[Image: 25549-1293220993-2.PNG]

[Image: 25549-1293221003-3.PNG]

[Image: 25549-1293221012-4.PNG]

[Image: 25549-1293221020-5.PNG]

[Image: 25549-1293221034-6.PNG]

[Image: 25549-1293221047-7.png]

[Image: 25549-1293221060-8.png]


02-03-2011, 5:55,
RE: [Plugin] [English] Abbreviations
hello Edson Ordaz , fistly thanx for all does plugins , as you know here is a French community so more peoples here don't understand english very much. So i think you need just give a permisson to Dolphin and if he have time he will translate are your plugins to french.

thank you again for all your work .
(spainish look hard for me ) lol Big Grin
02-03-2011, 6:31,
RE: [Plugin] [English] Abbreviations
Of course you can translate all my contributions!
02-03-2011, 7:25,
RE: [Plugin] [English] Abbreviations
(02-03-2011, 6:31)Edson Ordaz a écrit :  Of course you can translate all my contributions!
ok thank you i'll try

02-03-2011, 15:12,
RE: [Plugin] [English] Abbreviations
One question you speak Spanish?
I do not know about and use English translator but they speak good Spanish is my native language
02-03-2011, 15:27,
RE: [Plugin] [English] Abbreviations
no i'm not good on it , i'm using google translate and then i try to adapt sentences Big Grin

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